
The Definitive "Breaking Bad" Drinking Game

By Spence Blazak

AMC's Breaking Bad. Many could argue it is television's best show. Many could also argue it is telvesion's most depressing. So that got me thinking.....what makes everything in life less depressing? DRINKING GAMES! America's great pastime. It puts a spring into the step of all of life's most drab occasions: minor league baseball games, funerals, even jury duty. So hey, next time you are watching television's great gem, grab a chocolate milk, kick back, and drink away with Wookiee Wednesday at your side!

Take a sip when:
-Jesse says "yo"
-Someone smokes meth
-Skylar gets upset that Walt won't talk to her
-Saul acts unprofessional
-Walt yells at Jesse
-Hank says something off color
-Walt coughs
-Walter Jr. eats breakfast
-The creepy bell guy rings his bell

Have a gulp when:
-Someone says the word "change" or "chemistry"
-Marie steals something
-Los Pollos Hermanos is mentioned
-There is sexual tension between Ted and Skylar
-Hank/Jesse does something endearing
-Walt gives a bad grade on a chemistry test
-The RV has a technical issue

Finish your drink when:
-Walt kills someone
-Someone else finds out Walt cooks meth
-Walt throws a pizza on the roof
-Skinny Pete gets robbed
-Someone says "break bad"
-Walt is in a bathroom
-A meth addict gets crushed with an ATM
-Jane's dad sounds particularly like Liam Neeson in Taken

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