
Top Albums/Songs of 2012

By Spence Blazak

The only reason I made this list is to spread the word of music that doesn't suck (except for the Waka Flocka song....that sucks). Please click on the links and to give a few things a try. Hey....you never know what you'll find. Except with Waka Flocka....you will get exactly what you expect there.

            -Best Song that is actually pretty good, but mostly won me on the title
-Best Shit Party Song
            -Best Jack White Song
            -Best Obligatory Taylor Swift Song
            -Best “Man…..high school love hurts so good” Song
            -Best Rap Song That Is Funny But Takes Itself Kinda Seriously And Is By a White Hipster D00d
            -Best “Life: Hark! Existence’s Ficklest Mistress!” Song
            -Best All Around Rap Song
            -Second Best Gut Wrenching, Yearnful Song
            -Best Gut Wrenching, Yearnful Song
            -Best Pining for Lost Love/Bonus Song

Honorable Mention
“Spiderman Swag”-Dave Piccolella
            -Best Song

Top Albums of the Year

10. “The Heist”-Macklemore & Ryan Lewis
            -Hipster white guy rap with catchy hooks, and a lyrical tone/content somewhere in between Bo Burnham and the Beastie Boys.

9. “14:59”-Sugar Ray
            -Best Album of 2012 of 1999.

8. “The Hobbit Soundtrack”
            -Masters the art of returning to the style of the “Lord of the Rings” soundtrack while creating something new, along with the perfect level of hat tipping to the original. A clinic in balanced nostalgia.

7. “Gossamer”-Passion Pit
            -Their first album “Manners” made me think how good P.P. would be if they took a few music classes or went under the tutelage of someone in the genre to buff out their dents. On “Gossamer,” they took my advice. The right amount of electronic pop-iness to appeal to both hardcore fans and soft white kids who want something easy to listen to while they play FIFA (…..me).

6. “Handwritten”-Gaslight Anthem
            -Less Springsteen-y than their last few albums, G.A. comes into their own with catchiness, a subdued punk sound, middle-class “working stiff” centric lyrics, and a likability factor that will pull you in like a lovelorn octopus.

5. “Colourmeinkindness”-Basement
            -UK rockers with influences from grunge and the English rock scene, Basement creates a cohesive album that weaves in and out of each song with finesse. Can’t recommend this one enough, here is the album’s song that I gave #3 song of theyear honors.

4. “Babel”-Mumford and Sons
            - Banjo picking, soaring vocals, and a godly command over “LEGGOOOOOOO” tempo puts the band at the forefront of the English Pop-Folk scene.

3. “Floral Green”-Title Fight
            -Post-hardcore, aka all the good parts of the genre made for a softie like me. Lyrical wisdom is accompanied by hard hitting riffs, but the album’s softer songs like “Head in the Ceiling Fan” and “Lefty” really set it apart.

2. “Good Kid/m.a.a.d. City”-Kendrick Lamar
            -A rap album to bring this mixed up rap world into a synchronicity. Flow, beats, and lyrical depth are all there. Kendrick raps a conversation with his conscience at one point, and on the song “Peer Pressure,” humanizes the clichéd plights featured in terrible rap songs. One for the ages.

1. TIE “Please Remain Calm”-Hostage Calm AND 
       -Almost every song could make a case for the album’s best, which is a rare occurrence. Just have a listen for yourself to "On Both Eyes" and "Don't Die on Me Now"

-Taylor Swift…..it just goes without saying.

Honorable Mentions
“Blunderbuss”-Jack White
“Channel Orange”-Frank Ocean
“The Carpenter”-The Avett Brothers

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